
You can navigate your Flipper Zero, quickly access apps, and use hotkeys with the built-in buttons. To customize the controls to your preference, you can also enable left-handed mode. This page will show you how to control your Flipper Zero.

- Directional buttons %up%UP, %down%DOWN, %left%LEFT, and %right%RIGHT: navigating menus and virtual keyboards
- %ok%OK button: launching apps and confirming the selection
- %back%BACK button: quitting apps and going back
When you're on a screen with selectable options, use the %left%LEFT and %right%RIGHT buttons to move between them.

You can activate left-handed mode on your Flipper Zero by doing the following:
Go to Main Menu -> Settings -> System.
Set the Hand Orient option to Lefty.
After switching to left-handed mode, the controls change as follows:

There are several hotkeys that can help you quickly power on or reboot your Flipper Zero:
Power on
When Flipper Zero is powered off, press and hold the %back%BACK button.
Normal reboot
Press and hold the %left%LEFT and %back%BACK buttons for 5 seconds.
Hard reboot
Hold the %back%BACK button for 30 seconds.
Reboot to DFU mode
- Press and hold the %left%LEFT and %back%BACK buttons for 5 seconds.
- Release the %back%BACK button, but keep pressing the %left%LEFT button until the blue LED lights up.
To learn more about the ways to reboot your Flipper Zero, visit Reboot.
To learn how to power off your Flipper Zero, visit Power.
While on the Desktop, you can use buttons to quickly access apps and menus. The quick access apps can be customized. To learn more about the quick access feature, see the corresponding section on the Desktopο»Ώ page.
