
Reading infrared signals

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With Flipper Zero, you can capture and save infrared (IR) signals from IR remotes. Such remotes are used to control TVs, air conditioners, projectors, audio systems, and more. The saved signals can be played back to send commands instead of the original remote.

On this page, youll learn how to read, save, and emulate IR signals with your Flipper Zero.

Capturing infrared signals

Flipper Zero captures and demodulates IR signals with a carrier frequency of 38 kHz with its built-in IR receiver. For remotes with known protocols, Flipper Zero automatically decodes IR signals. If the protocol of the remote is unknown, Flipper Zero will record the signal in RAW format. To capture and save a signal, do the following:


Go to Main Menu -> Infrared -> Learn New Remote.


Position your IR remote in the line of sight of the IR receiver of your Flipper Zero.


On your IR remote, press the button you want to be recorded by your Flipper Zero.

Keep your remote in the line of sight of the IR receiver
Keep your remote in the line of sight of the IR receiver


Once the signal is captured, youll see the remote protocol name on the screen of your Flipper Zero.

The captured data is displayed on the screen
The captured data is displayed on the screen


To save the captured signal, press Save, name the button, and press Save again.


After saving the first button, Flipper Zero creates a virtual remote with the new button. You can add a new button to the remote by selecting ➕.

Add new signals to the virtual remote
Add new signals to the virtual remote


To customize or delete the virtual remote, select Edit.

Customize your virtual remotes
Customize your virtual remotes

You can also customize saved remotes by going to Main Menu -> Infrared -> Saved Remotes.

Emulating infrared signals

With its built-in IR transmitter, Flipper Zero can send saved signals to TVs, air conditioners, projectors, sound systems, and more. To send a signal, do the following:


Go to Main Menu -> Infrared -> Saved Remotes.


Select the saved remote from the list of remotes.


Point your Flipper Zero at the device you want to control. Make sure that the IR transmitter of your Flipper Zero is facing the device.


To send the command, select the button you want to emulate and press the %ok%OK button.

To send a signal, point your Flipper Zero at the device and press the %ok%OK button
To send a signal, point your Flipper Zero at the device and press the %ok%OK button

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