Writing data to magic cards

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Standard NFC cards have unique identifier (UID) numbers assigned by the manufacturer. These numbers cant be changed. NFC magic or UID rewritable are special cards that can change their UIDs. That makes magic cards more powerful — they can copy the UID and data of an original card. There are different generations of magic cards.

On this page, youll learn about supported magic cards and how to write the UID and data from an original card to an NFC magic card.

Writing card data

Flipper Zero can write data to Gen1, Gen2, and Gen4 magic cards, as well as regular MIFARE Classic® cards (without rewriting the UID).

Gen1 magic cards can be configured as the following card type:

  • MIFARE Classic® 1K

Gen2 magic cards can be configured as the following card type:

  • MIFARE Classic® 1K (Compatible Gen 2 card is required)
  • MIFARE Classic® 4K (Compatible Gen 2 card is required)

Gen4 (Ultimate) magic cards can be configured as the following card types:

  • Any MIFARE Classic®
  • MIFARE Ultralight® EV1
  • MIFARE Ultralight® EV2
  • NTAG® 203
  • NTAG® 213
  • NTAG® 215
  • NTAG® 216

To copy the original NFC card, you need to write the original UID and data to the NFC magic card by doing the following:


Read and save the original card. Make sure that your Flipper Zero reads all sectors or pages of the original card!


Go to Main Menu -> Apps -> NFC -> NFC Magic.


Check if you have a compatible Gen1, Gen2, or Gen4 magic card by using the Check Magic Tag option and holding the magic card near the back of your Flipper Zero. or If you have a password-protected Gen4 card, go to Gen4 Actions -> Auth with password to enter the password manually. Then use the Check Magic Tag option.

Hold the card near the back of your Flipper Zero
Hold the card near the back of your Flipper Zero


If the magic card is supported, youll see the message below, otherwise your Flipper Zero will keep trying to determine the card type.

Your Flipper Zero will let you know if you have the magic card
Your Flipper Zero will let you know if you have the magic card


Go to More to see options for this type of magic card.


To write the UID and data of the original card, use the Write option.


Select the original card in the browser and hold the magic card near the back of your Flipper Zero.


Once your Flipper Zero writes data to the magic card, youll see the message below.

The data of the original card is written to the magic card
The data of the original card is written to the magic card

You can also format the magic card by using the Wipe option — the UID will be reset to the default and data in sectors or pages will be deleted.

MIFARE and MIFARE Classic are registered trademarks of NXP B.V.

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