Reading NFC cards

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Flipper Zero allows you to read, save, and emulate NFC cards. An NFC card is a transponder that operates at 13.56 MHz and has a unique number (UID) as well as a part of rewritable memory for storing data. Depending on the card type, memory can be segmented into sectors, pages, applications, and more. When near a reader, NFC cards transmit the requested data.

On this page, youll learn how to read and emulate NFC cards and find the list of supported NFC cards.

How to read NFC cards

The reading process is automatic and doesnt require the user to manually configure it.

To read and save the NFC cards data, do the following:


Go to Main Menu -> NFC.


Press Read, then hold the card near your Flipper Zeros back.

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When reading is finished, go to More -> Save.


Name the read card, then press Save.

Reading whats on your card

For some cards, Flipper Zero can read and show data in a readable format. For example, you can get information such as the card validity date, balance, or remaining trips. This functionality is made possible thanks to parsers contributed by the community. You can view the full list of available parsers in the Flipper Zero GitHub repository.

Learn what’s on your card with Flipper Zero
Learn what’s on your card with Flipper Zero

If reading failed

NFC cards type A

MIFARE Classic®

Flipper Zero can read MIFARE Classic 1K, MIFARE Classic 4K, and MIFARE Classic Mini cards and save data. To read data stored in sectors, Flipper Zero has to find all 32 keys for 16 sectors (MIFARE Classic 1K), 80 keys for 40 sectors (MIFARE Classic 4K), and 10 keys for 5 sectors (MIFARE Classic Mini). For that, Flipper Zero uses keys from the System dictionary.

You can manually add your keys to the User dictionary by going to Main Menu -> NFC -> Extra Actions -> MIFARE Classic Keys. 

Captured data organized in sectors
Captured data organized in sectors

After Flipper Zero reads a MIFARE Classic card, the original data is stored in memory. When you implement changes to the data via Flipper Mobile App or through emulation via your Flipper Zero, the device generates a new shadow file representing the new data state. This leads to desynchronization between the actual state on your Flipper Zero and the physical card. To synchronize the physical card with the data state on your Flipper Zero, use the Write To Initial Card function.

Similarly, physical card data can be changed after interaction with a reader leading to desynchronization of data states. To synchronize states, use the Update From Initial Card function.

You can discard changes on your Flipper Zero by using the Restore to original function. In this case, Flipper Zero deletes the shadow file.

You can synchronize data states between Flipper Zero and the physical card
You can synchronize data states between Flipper Zero and the physical card

MIFARE Ultralight® & NTAG®

For MIFARE Ultralight and NTAG cards, Flipper Zero can read and save data in open pages.

Captured data organized in pages
Captured data organized in pages

Flipper Zero can write saved NTAG data to another NTAG card of the same type (for example, NTAG 213 - NTAG 213). This feature is available for NTAG 213, NTAG 215, and NTAG 216 cards. The initial and destination NTAG cards must have their default PWD, PACK, and disabled AUTH0. Additionally, static and dynamic lock bits must be 0 for both the initial and destination NTAG cards, guaranteeing that all user memory is unlocked.

You can write NTAG data to other NTAG cards
You can write NTAG data to other NTAG cards


Flipper Zero can read MIFARE DESFire cards and save data. In this card type, memory is organized in applications with multiple files. Flipper Zero reads and saves unprotected applications and files with data.

Captured data organized in applications
Captured data organized in applications

Unknown cards

When reading an unknown NFC card, Flipper Zero reads and saves only the UID, SAK, and ATQA.

Captured data of an unknown ISO card
Captured data of an unknown ISO card

NFC cards type V


Flipper Zero can read and save data stored on ICODE SLIX, SLIX-2, SLIX-L, and SLIX-S tags. In these tags, memory is organized in blocks.

Captured data organized in blocks
Captured data organized in blocks

Unknown cards

When reading an unknown NFC-V card, Flipper Zero reads and saves the UID and data in read blocks.

Captured data of an unknown NFC-V card
Captured data of an unknown NFC-V card

NFC cards type F

FeliCa™ Lite-S

Flipper Zero can read, save and emulate FeliCa Lite-S cards. In particular, it can read the Manufacture ID (IDm), Manufacture parameter (PMm), and data in blocks.

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NFC cards type B


Flipper Zero can read and save ST25TB cards. The UID and card data can be captured.

The following card types with different memory organization are supported:

  • ST25TB512
  • ST25TB512-AC
  • SRIX512
  • ST25TB02K
  • ST25TB04K
  • SRIX4K
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Other NFC type B cards

For other NFC cards type B, Flipper Zero can only read and display the UID without saving it.

Captured data of an NFC type B card
Captured data of an NFC type B card

Reading a specific card type

Hybrid cards combine two types of NFC cards in one card. For example, an EMV card can be combined with a MIFARE Classic card. In this case, youll need to specify what type of card you want to read by doing the following:


Go to Main Menu -> NFC -> Extra Actions -> Read Specific Card Type.


Select the card type you want to read, and then press %ok%OK.


Hold the card near your Flipper Zeros back to read the cards data.

Emulating NFC cards

Flipper Zero can emulate an entire NFC card or just the UID depending on the NFC card type and saved data.

To emulate the saved NFC card, do the following:


Go to Main Menu -> NFC -> Saved.


Select the card, then press Emulate.

In some cases, you can emulate only the UID
In some cases, you can emulate only the UID


Hold your Flipper Zero near the reader to transfer data.

While emulating the NFC card, hold your Flipper Zero near the reader
While emulating the NFC card, hold your Flipper Zero near the reader

MIFARE, MIFARE Ultralight, MIFARE Classic, NTAG, DESFire, and ICODE are registered trademarks of NXP B.V.

FeliCa is a trademark of Sony Corporation.

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