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Flipper Zeros sub-1 GHz module is capable of receiving signals at all frequencies in the 300-348 MHz, 387-464 MHz, and 779-928 MHz operational bands. However, Flipper Zero transmits signals only at frequencies that are allowed for civilian use.

On this page, youll learn more about how signal transmission works in your Flipper Zero, and find a list of frequencies allowed for civilian use in particular regions.

How to determine your region and allowed frequencies

Flipper Zero has the send function disabled out of the box until the device is updated either via Flipper Mobile App or qFlipper with a microSD card inserted. If you try to use the Sub-GHz function before updating Flipper Zero, you will see the following message: Firmware update needed. Update the firmware before using this feature

You need to update the device to use all Sub-GHz functions
You need to update the device to use all Sub-GHz functions

While updating Flipper Zero, the region where the device is located is determined and frequencies allowed for transmission in that region are unlocked. To see your region code in the ISO format while on the Desktop, press and hold the %down%DOWN button.

On the Device Info screen, you can see your region code in the ISO format
On the Device Info screen, you can see your region code in the ISO format

To learn more about regions and frequencies allowed for civilian use, see the table below:

Flipper Zero transmits signals in frequency bands:

In regions:

433.05 - 434.79 MHz

868.15 - 868.55 MHz

European Union, United Kingdom, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, French Polynesia, Holy See, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Liechtenstein, Moldova, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Jersey, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Palestine, Réunion, Andorra, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan

304.10 - 321.95 MHz

433.05 - 434.79 MHz

915.00 - 928.00 MHz

United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia

420.00 - 440.00 MHz

United Arab Emirates

304.50 - 321.95 MHz

433.075 - 434.775 MHz

915.00 - 927.95 MHz


300.00 - 300.30 MHz

312.00 - 316.00 MHz

433.50 - 434.79 MHz

444.40 - 444.80 MHz


433.05 - 434.79 MHz


430.00 - 440.00 MHz


433.05 - 434.79 MHz


314.00 - 316.00 MHz

430.00 - 432.00 MHz

433.05 - 434.79 MHz


312.00 - 315.25 MHz 920.50 - 923.50 MHz

The rest of the world

To find out what frequency your remote control works at, use Frequency Analyzer.

If you try to send recorded signals at frequencies that are prohibited for civilian use in your region, you will see the following message: Transmission is blocked. Transmission on this frequency is restricted in your region.

Flipper Zero can transmit only at frequencies allowed for civilian use
Flipper Zero can transmit only at frequencies allowed for civilian use

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