
Firmware update

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We are constantly updating Flipper Zero firmware. We recommend updating your device regularly to get the latest features and improvements. You can update your Flipper Zero via Flipper Mobile App or qFlipper.

On this page, you’ll learn how to update your Flipper Zero firmware via Flipper Mobile App and qFlipper.

There are three firmware update channels:

  • DEVELOPMENT (Dev): We have an ongoing development process. So, a new development version of the firmware is built with every new commit, often multiple times per day. This version includes all the latest features, but it may be unstable, cause freezing or corruption of your data, or fail to function altogether.
  • RELEASE-CANDIDATE (RC): Its a firmware version that has been submitted for validation testing to our QA department. If any bugs are detected during the testing phase, the version is revised, and a new Release candidate is issued. Once the release candidate successfully passes all tests, it becomes the Release version.
  • RELEASE: The stable version of the firmware. Its been extensively tested to ensure its reliability, so we recommend it for general use.

You can find the changelog for Flipper Zero firmware on the Releases page of our official GitHub repository.

Updating via Flipper Mobile App

With Flipper Mobile App, you can update your Flipper Zero via Bluetooth. The application is available on iOS and Android:

Connecting to Flipper Zero

After you have downloaded Flipper Mobile App and activated Bluetooth on your phone, connect the mobile application to your Flipper Zero:


Activate Bluetooth on your Flipper Zero by following these steps:

1) Go to Main Menu -> Settings -> Bluetooth.

2) Set Bluetooth to ON.


In Flipper Mobile App, tap Connect.


On the next page, next to the detected Flipper Zero’s name, tap Connect.

You can connect Flipper Zero to your phone via Bluetooth
You can connect Flipper Zero to your phone via Bluetooth


In Flipper Mobile App, enter the pairing code displayed on the Flipper Zero screen.


Tap Pair to finalize pairing.

If your Flipper Zero is not detected

Updating Flipper Zero

To update your Flipper Zero via Flipper Mobile App, do the following:


In the main tab, tap Update Channel and select desired firmware (Release is recommended).


Tap the Update button.


In the dialog window, tap the Update button to confirm the action.

The update via Flipper Mobile App may take around 10 minutes.

You can update your Flipper Zero via Flipper Mobile App
You can update your Flipper Zero via Flipper Mobile App

If Flipper Zero update failed

  • Check the Bluetooth connection with your Flipper Zero.
  • Make sure your Flipper Zero is turned on.
  • If your Flipper Zero doesn’t respond, reboot it by pressing and holding the %left%LEFT and %back%BACK buttons for 5 seconds.
  • Restart firmware update.
  • Update your Flipper Zero via qFlipper.

Updating via qFlipper

With qFlipper you can update firmware, manage files, and repair corrupted firmware
With qFlipper you can update firmware, manage files, and repair corrupted firmware

qFlipper is a desktop application that allows you to update your Flipper Zero via a USB cable. qFlipper is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux. To install qFlipper on your computer, do the following:


Download the qFlipper installation file for your operating system.

You can also download qFlipper on the Flipper Zero Firmware update page.


Run the downloaded file and follow the instructions for your operating system.


For Windows, qFlipper is compatible with Windows 10 and 11 only.

qFlipper is available on Windows
qFlipper is available on Windows

Updating Flipper Zero

To update your Flipper Zero via qFlipper, do the following:


Connect your Flipper Zero to your computer via a USB cable.


On your computer, run qFlipper.


In qFlipper, go to the Advanced controls tab.


Click Update Channel and select a firmware version from the drop-down list (Release is recommended).


Click Update to start the update process.

Update your Flipper Zero via qFlipper
Update your Flipper Zero via qFlipper

Having trouble updating firmware of your Flipper Zero? Check out the following pages:

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