125 kHz RFID

Adding 125 kHz cards manually

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You can save new cards to your Flipper Zero without reading a physical card. All you need to do is select a protocol and manually enter the cards data. The added card can be emulated or written to a T5577 blank card.

On this page, youll learn how to add a new card and edit a saved or added card.

Supported protocols

You can manually generate virtual cards with the following protocols:

  • EM-Micro EM4100
  • EM-Micro EM4100/32
  • EM-Micro EM4100/16
  • HID H10301
  • IDTECK Idteck
  • Motorola Indala 26
  • Kantech IoProx XSF
  • AWID
  • Generic HID Prox
  • Generic HID Ext
  • Farpointe Pyramid
  • Viking
  • Jablotron
  • Paradox
  • PAC Stanley
  • Keri
  • Gallagher
  • Honeywell Nexwatch
  • Electra
  • Securakey

Generating 125 kHz RFID cards

To generate a virtual card, do the following:


Go to Main Menu -> 125 kHz RFID -> Add Manually.


Select the protocol you want to use and press %ok%OK.


Enter the cards data in hexadecimal, then press Save.

Enter the card’s data manually
Enter the card’s data manually


Name the card, then press Save.

Editing 125 kHz RFID cards

You can also edit data of saved and manually added cards by following these steps:


Go to Main Menu -> 125 kHz RFID -> Saved.


Select the saved card you want to edit by pressing %ok%OK, then press Edit.


Enter new data in hexadecimal, then press Save.


Enter the new name of the card, then press Save.

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