Writing data to T5577 cards

In general, 125 kHz RFID cards and fobs are read-only. If writable, they typically have a password and use a chip incompatible with Flipper Zero for writing. However, there are T5577 rewritable blank cards, which can be programmed to emulate cards with various low-frequency RFID protocols.
You can write saved and manually added 125 kHz cards to T5577 blank cards. These blanks come in different forms and shapes, such as cards, keyfobs, stickers, and animal microchips. Flipper Zero is capable of writing data with all the supported low-frequency RFID protocols.
On this page, you’ll learn how to write data to T5577 blank cards and what you can do if the procedure fails.
To write data to the card, do the following:
Go to Main Menu -> 125 kHz RFID -> Saved.
Select the card you want to write, then press Write.
Hold your Flipper Zero near the T5577 blank card, the device’s back facing the card.

After writing data to the blank card, the device will display the message Successfully written.

Please note that your Flipper Zero may display the Successfully written message when writing to a read-only card. This may happen if the same data is already present on the read-only card.
- The T5577 blank card might be protected with a password.
- You are trying to write to a read-only RFID card, not a T5577 blank card.